Preparing for the Summer Heat

Keeping your home or business cool requires more energy as temperatures rise. But a little preparation can help you stay comfortable and manage your summer energy bills.


Here are some simple ways to help save money and energy:

  • Turn off lights when you leave the room
  • Close window blinds and curtains to keep the sun from warming your home or office
  • If health permits, set the temperature on your air conditioner a few degrees higher – but be sure to stay comfortable
  • Use window or whole house ventilating fans
  • Unplug electronics when they are not in use
  • Place a dry towel in your clothes dryer with each load of wet laundry to absorb dampness and reduce drying time
  • Barbecue outside instead of heating up your kitchen with the stove or oven

For more ways to save, visit our Save Money and Conserve Energy section. You will find tips to help you save money and energy, as well as information about programs in your area that can help you save even more.

Be Aware of Scams

We want to alert our residential and commercial customers to several scams taking place in our area.

Fake Invoices

Some scammers, posing as third-party energy suppliers, are sending fake utility bills via email to customers, asking them to click on an enclosed link. It is suspected that, by clicking the link, your computer could become infected with a virus or malware.

For your protection, we ask that you pay your utility bill by going to our website, mailing us the hard copy of the remittance portion of your invoice or visiting one of our Customer Courtesy Centers. Do not open any email asking for payment unless it was sent by us or your respective third-party energy supplier.

Reloadable Debit Cards

Scammers are also contacting customers and telling them that their electric service will be shut off for non-payment unless they purchase a reloadable debit card (Green Dot MoneyPak or Vanilla card).

Victims are instructed to call a phone number and provide the card’s account number and unique serial number. Once the scammer obtains the card’s identifying information, the value is stolen.

Commercial customers are also being told to use the same method of payment to have a new meter installed. The caller claims that the state has mandated these meter changes. This is not true.

Always Use Caution

Many utility companies, including Pepco, contact customers in person or via phone for various reasons. If someone claims to represent our company or another entity, it is important that you verify the employee’s identification—especially if they are requesting immediate payment. When addressing past due accounts, we always offer multiple payment options.

Our employees always carry an official company identification card. If proper identification cannot be produced when asked, you should notify the police or the company with whom the individual claims to be associated. Similarly, if someone calls claiming to represent a company, ask them to verify their identity and affiliation.

If you have any doubt about the validity of a person claiming to represent Pepco, please call us immediately at 202-833-7500.

Give the Gift of Energy

goeThe holiday season is almost here! Avoid the shopping frenzy and give your loved one a Gift of Energy instead. It is the simplest way to help a relative, friend, or colleague with their monthly expenses.

Giving a Gift of Energy is no different than making a payment on someone’s account. All you need is the customer’s name and address – not an account number – to purchase the Gift of Energy.

You can purchase a Gift of Energy for a customer at one of our Walk-In Service Centers (listed below), or on our website, where a Gift of Energy contact form is available. Once the form is submitted, a customer care representative will contact you and complete the transaction via telephone. We will also send you a free holiday greeting card that can be used to notify the customer of your generosity or you may keep the gift anonymous.

You can purchase the Gift of Energy at any of the following locations:

Washington, D.C.
701 Ninth Street, NW
Hours: Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

Rockville, MD
201 W. Gude Drive
Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday only
10 a.m. to 2 p.m

MLK Business Office, Washington, D.C.
2804 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE
Hours: Monday – Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Forestville, MD
8300 Marlboro Pike
Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday only
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

We Can Help with Winter Energy Bills

WinterBillsWinter is just around the corner. A drop in temperature typically means you’ll be turning up your heat which can lead to higher energy bills. We understand that higher energy bills can be a major concern. If you have difficulty paying your heating bills this winter, we’re here to help.

The first thing to do is call Customer Care at 202-833-7500 before your bill becomes unmanageable. We can recommend payment arrangements where appropriate and can discuss alternative payment plans such as our Budget Billing program that can help you avoid seasonal cost spikes and keep monthly bills level.

Our Extended Payment Date Plan is for customers whose main source of income is from government programs. Since assistance does not arrive until the first of each month, qualified customers whose bill due date is before the 5th of the month may be granted an extension of their due date.

Under the Deferred Payment Arrangement Plan customers experiencing a temporary financial hardship may be eligible to make installment payments on their current bill and a portion of any unpaid balance.

Felecia Greer
Customer Advocate

Low Income Energy Summit Update


Pepco recently hosted more than 180 social service agency representatives from Delaware and Maryland for its annual Low Income Energy Summit in Dover, Delaware.

The Summit gave service providers valuable information to better assist low- to moderate-income utility customers, many of whom have difficulty paying their energy bills.

U.S. Senator Christopher Coons of Delaware provided opening remarks and welcomed the participants to Dover. Maryland Public Service Commission Chairman Douglas Nazarian, Delaware Public Service Commission Ombudsman Matthew Hartigan and District of Columbia Public Service Commission Member Linda Jordan participated in a very informative regulatory panel.

Closing the day in Dover was Kenneth Parker, Sr. Vice President, Government Affairs & Corporate Citizenship, who told his personal story of growing up in a household that relied heavily on community support and the outreach of social service providers. “I know what you do. I benefited from what you do. You invest in people like me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” Ken said.

It is important for us to take the time out to assemble our community and agency partners under one roof to educate them on Pepco programs and services. Summit discussions included several exhibitors and plenary sessions on emergency preparedness, storm response, social media and diversity.

As Customer Advocate, my job is to communicate your concerns and ideas to the Company. If you would like your voice to be heard, please contact me at

Felecia Greer
Customer Advocate

The Gift of Energy

Yesterday, I was quoted in a pretty heartbreaking article.  Some unfortunate events landed an elderly couple in financial hardship where they couldn’t afford to pay their electric bill.  Long story short, we disconnected their power.

I have to stress that the last thing we want to do is disconnect anyone’s electricity.

Not included in the article is that fortunately, the couple received energy assistance that covered their entire bill in addition to donations from the community that were applied to their account.  It was truly an amazing feeling to know that the community stepped in and supported this elderly couple.  Which leads me to one of the reasons for this post…

This morning when I got in, I called a colleague of mine in Customer Care to get a status update on the account.  He notified me that we reconnected service yesterday morning and as an added bonus, the company received numerous anonymous donations to benefit the couple.  What was even more touching was that one of the donations was for $1200; the entire amount that was owed prior to energy assistance.  It couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes later, I received a call on the media line from a 75 year old customer offering to also pay $1200 to their account.  I let him know that the account was taken care of, but if he was still interested, he could still provide them with the Gift of Energy.

We typically promote the Gift of Energy during the holidays, but it’s available all year ‘round.  It’s a way for people to help out other customers or family members with their energy costs.

The other reason for this post was to let customers know that it’s a lot easier to remedy account issues before a service disconnection.  An extremely common issue is that customers don’t notify us of their financial troubles.  There are payment options available, but they can only be taken advantage of if we are aware of customer needs.  So the takeaway from that is if you or someone you know is having financial troubles, don’t wait until it’s too late to contact us to make arrangements.

‘Til the next post,
