Beware of New Scam Variation

Phone-Land-Line-150x150We’ve been alerted to a scam variation that primarily threatens to shut off electric service to customers because of false overdue bills. As in previous cases, like the “Green Dot Scam,” a person warns customers their electric service account is delinquent and will be shut off for non-payment unless immediate payment is made. A “Green Dot” prepaid money card is the scammers’ payment of choice because they can immediately collect the money, and the cards are not traceable.

The new reported twist involves criminals impersonating utility workers and appearing in person at a site with false credentials while the intended target simultaneously receives a phone call allegedly from the utility company.

The latest information from law enforcement is that the call looks real because the scam uses a spoofed Pepco phone number that may appear legitimate. The person calling also provides a reply phone number that directs customers to a phony automated Pepco answering service.

We want our customers to know that Pepco would never threaten to disconnect service without first offering multiple payment options. We do not endorse a specific form of payment to address past-due accounts, and our automated calls do not include a specific dollar amount for security reasons. If you have any doubt about the validity of a person who claims to represent Pepco, they should call our Customer Care line immediately at 202-833-7500.

We actively work with authorities to protect our customers. We strongly encourage not providing personal protected information.  We advise customers to report any suspicious activity to local authorities, including the District of Columbia Office of the Attorney General and the Maryland Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division.

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About pepcoconnect

Pepco, a subsidiary of Pepco Holdings, Inc., delivers safe, reliable and affordable electric service to more than 788,000 customers in Maryland and the District of Columbia. Pepco is committed to providing its customers with information on energy conservation, renewable energy sources and steps the company is taking to meet customers' changing needs.

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