6 Things To Do in Preparation for a Winter Storm

So we’ve all heard that the Washington, DC area is under a Winter Storm Warning.  The National Weather Service is forecasting snowfall amounts anywhere from 18 to 24 inches between today and tomorrow (2/5/10 & 2/6/10).

The first 2 things we think about when we expect inclement weather are safety (for our crews and customers) and the reliability of our system.  FIRST AND FOREMOST – if you see any downed power lines, DO NOT touch them.  Please notify us (number below) and maintain at least a 20-30 foot space to ensure the safety of you and others around.

Also, keep in mind that the safety of our crews is extremely important to us.  High winds and other factors that may put them at risk are always at the forefront of the decisions we make when restoring power.  If we feel their safety is in jeopardy, we will pause restoration until it’s clear for them to work safely.

Pepco is preparing for this storm by monitoring weather reports, assigning extra crews, increasing Call Center staff, extending normal shifts, and initiating contact with emergency management agencies in our service territory to closely coordinate restoration procedures with them.

No matter how much we prepare, we can never be sure exactly how a storm will impact our system. That being the case, we want to help our customers prepare for potential outages.  Here are Pepco’s Six Things To Do in Preparation for a Winter Storm:

  1. Keep our outage number at hand.  It is 1-877-PEPCO-62 (1-877-737-2662)
  2. Make sure your emergency storm kit is stocked.  It should include a
    1. Battery-powered radio or television
    2. Battery-powered or windup clock
    3. Flashlight
    4. Extra batteries
    5. First-aid kit
    6. Non-perishable food
    7. Manual can opener
    8. Bottled water
    9. Necessary medications, and
    10. List of emergency phone numbers
  3. Maintain a supply of extra blankets.
  4. Ensure all household members have a
    1. Warm coat
    2. Gloves
    3. Hat and
    4. Water-resistant boots
  5. Make sure your home has a telephone with a cord or a cell phone.  Cordless telephones require electricity to operate, and won’t work if there is an outage.
  6. Identify a place for emergency shelter in case of an extended outage. It is important that customers with special needs or their caregivers take responsibility to make arrangements ahead of time to prepare for potentially long-lasting service interruptions.

We encourage everyone to Make safety their Number 1 priority during this and any other Winter Storm Warning.  Watch out for slippery surfaces whether walking or driving.  When driving, use more caution than usual.  Keep in mind that there have been instances where drivers have caused outages by running into utility poles.

‘Til the next post, 


This entry was posted in Emergency Preparedness, Reliability, Safety by pepcoconnect. Bookmark the permalink.

About pepcoconnect

Pepco, a subsidiary of Pepco Holdings, Inc., delivers safe, reliable and affordable electric service to more than 788,000 customers in Maryland and the District of Columbia. Pepco is committed to providing its customers with information on energy conservation, renewable energy sources and steps the company is taking to meet customers' changing needs.

2 thoughts on “6 Things To Do in Preparation for a Winter Storm

  1. Pingback: 2010 Winter Storm Update « PepcoConnect's Blog

  2. Pingback: 2010 Winter Storm Update 2 « PepcoConnect's Blog

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